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of participants of the conference “Left movement in Ukraine. Perspectives of development and cooperation».


 Kiev, September, 23, 2009



1. The participants of the conference “Left movement in Ukraine. Perspectives of development and interaction”, which was performed with a support of Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (Germany) on the 23rd of September, 2009 in Kiev, state that majority of citizens of Ukraine do not support neoliberal model of development of the country and sympathize the communist, socialist and social-democratic ideas. Citizens of Ukraine want practical effectuation of the provision of the Constitution of Ukraine regarding the social, law-based state. Nonetheless, during elections to the Parliament and counsels of all kind of levels, a considerable part of the left ideas supporters vote for parties which represent the interests of big oligarchic capital which is incompatible with the interests of the majority of society.


To some extent, it is related with the fact that parties which represent the interests of big capital have to use program provisions of the Left for their populist purposes to keep the state authority leverages for themselves. But much more important reason is a fragmentation of the left political sector into parties and organizations – the carriers of the communist, socialist and social-democratic ideology - in the absence of tight and effective cooperation between them on a permanent base.


2. The participants of the conference state that there are no and cannot be contradictions on the most essential social problems between the left forces, trade unions and social organizations which protect rights and interests of people. Their goals coincide completely or to a considerable degree. Nevertheless, a cooperation between political parties, trade unions and social protest movements is sporadic, separate, mostly is bound to election campaigns and, as a rule, does not go beyond joint demonstrations and pickets which the state power, representing oligarchic capital, does not pay attention to unless these actions endanger the prime interest of big capital – the extraction of surplus profit.


In the majority of participants opinion, the lack of cooperation between the main institutions of public democracy – the left parties, trade unions and civil organizations of the human rights protection vector – again, to a considerable extent, is the consequence of the left forces dissociation and, sometimes, - of competition between them.


The participants of the Conference propose:


1.    While generally supporting the decision of the most influential left parties concerning creation of  the union at oncoming presidential elections, we propose not to halt at this point and to initiate right now a creation of a frame structure which will allow to continue in future a cooperation and coordination of actions of the left forces on a permanent base with a participation of all left parties and organizations.


2.    At first, it makes sense to unite the left parties and organizations efforts concerning the analysis of economic, political and social processes in Ukraine and abroad aiming at exchange of information and views for the elaboration of recommendations common for all left forces regarding a joint response to the modern and future challenges. Such work may be performed on a network base with involvement of the left parties and organizations analysts, their foreign partners, as well as of academic institutes' and NGOs' experts who share left ideas.


3.     To create a permanently operating structure for the regular dialogue of left forces, trade unions and social movements on national, regional and local levels having for an object the elaboration, popularization and effectuation of joint approaches to actions in protection of the interests of the majority of the society in conditions of modern crisis and for future perspective.


4.      To form an operational body for a dialog, an exchange of information and operational experience between Ukrainian left parties and organizations as a single whole from one side and European partners – from another, with invitation of representatives of the left parties and organizations, trade unions and social movements from the CIS states, first of all – Russia, Belorussia and Moldova.


.      To initiate joint elaboration and realization of teaching and training programs for managers and activists of the left parties and organizations, trade unions and social movements at all level, paying special attention to the youth.


6.      To initiate a cooperation between printing mass media, Internet-resources and bloggers, in particular – by means of development and realization of joint strategy and tactics of propaganda, by sharing publications on common problems, by posting links to the relevant Internet resources.


7.      To create an Internet-library and data bases on different problems for common use by the left parties and organizations, trade unions and social movements.



The participants of the conference express their gratitude to the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation for the friendly support in joint struggle.



The conference was attended, in particular, by representatives of:


        The Communist Party of Ukraine

        Victor Pirozhenko

        Ivan Migovych


        The Union of Left Forces

        Vladimir Shevchenko

        Оlga Korniyenko

        Yatyana Harcheva



        The Party "Spravedlivost" ("Justice")

        Denis Ruden

        Valentin Yakushik


        The Socialist Party of Ukraine

        Valentina Semenyuk-Samsonenko

        Leonid Mordovets


        The Social-Democratic Party of Ukraine (united)

        Vladimir Babenko,

        Vladimir Voyush,

        Yuriy Govorukha.


        The Party "Great Ukraine"

        Sergey Davidov

        Anna Kalinina

        Valentin Kulakovsky

        Vera Larina

        Vladimir Mirgorodsky

        Mikhail Orliuk

        Valeriy Romanchuk

        Irina Samarina

        Galina Strizhko


        Public Association “For Democracy and Justice”

         Eugene Filindash


Also the representatives of the following political parties, trade unions, social movements. public associations, NGOs and academic institutions took part:


Political  parties:

      -   "Kiev Rus

      -   "New Force"


Civil movements and public organization:

-   "Union of Investors"

-   “My Land”

-   Hvylia

-   “Will of People”

-   “Civil Counsel  of Lvovshina” (Lvov region)

-   “Public Security Foundation”

-   "Social-Democratic Youth of Ukraine"

-   “For Dignity Labor"

-   "Kiev State Social-Democratic Union"

-   "The Resource Youth Center of Social-Democratic Party of Ukraine

-   "Ukrainian Social-Democratic Union of Youth"

-   "Ukrainian Socialist Movement"


Trade unions:

-   Trade Union of the Kherson Machine-Building Plant

-   "Solidarity"

-   "National Confederation of Trade Unions of Ukraine"

-   Independent Students' Trade Union  "Direct Action"

-   "Protection of Labor"


Academic institutes:

-   The Institute of Legislation



-   The Institute of democracy and Social Processes”

-  The Institute of the Society Problems Studies

-  The Institute of Political Analysis and International Studies

-  The Institute of Social Technologies

-  The Institute of Social Protection

-  Corporation of Strategic Analysis "Gardarika"

-  The Center of Studies of Problem

-  The Center of Social Studies "Sophia"

-  The Expert Center "Anaharsis"


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