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Conclusions and recommendations of the Conference


”The Left, Trade Unions and Social Movements in Ukraine: From Common Goals to Joint Actions”


May 12-13, 2010, Kiev


The Conference participants state that the liberal model of capitalism has exhausted itself while plunging Ukrainian nation and other nations of the former USSR that are following this way into an abyss of the economic crisis, spiritual degradation and political lawlessness.


Ukrainian society needs the elaboration of a new way of development beyond the modern capitalism. Only a widespread civil movement that proceeds from the interests of the majority of people and rely on Ukrainian, European and a world-wide experience of social-economic and political changes can propose such a way.


Thereupon,  the Conference participants recommend the following:


1. At this stage, to consider as the main task of the left forces a prevention of passing of the Labour Code by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in a draft adopted at the first reading.


2. To liven up a cooperation and coordination of actions both in frames of the Block of Left Forces and in wider format stressing a search of common approach to solve problems which the left movement and the society at whole face.


3. To carry on more actively a dialogue between supporters of the left ideas on the one hand and trade-unions, social movements and the expert society from the other hand to elaborate jointly a post-capitalist model of the further development of Ukraine. A society of  the transition period must be based on principles of real democracy, mixed economy with a strong social sector, domination of social interests over the interests of a big private capital.


4. Left parties and organizations have to attract more actively trade-unions and a wide circle of social movements to a development of conceptual provisions of their programs for the tactical aims of the left movement reflect a vision of future of Ukraine by the majority of population. It is necessary to proceed from the fact that a collective theoretical work is a foundation of further joint practical realization of ideas laid into a program. Openness and a wide coverage of the process of joint conceptual work by mass-media are themselves a method of effective propaganda.


5. As a cooperation of the left forces with trade-unions and social movements needs mechanisms of actions' coordination, the High School of Professional Policy is ready to take upon oneself a formation of a system of  a wider coverage of their activity, as well as of informing about actions planned by the partners. 


6. Taking into consideration that a joint training of activists of parties, trade-unions and social organizations is also a mean of their activity consolidation, it is expedient to create a joint system of political education which task would be a formation in society, most of all among the youth, the class approach to the existing in the state social-economic relations assessment.


7. To expand a circle of contacts and to liven up a cooperation with like-minded partners in other states aiming at the exchange opinions and experience,  mutual aid and coordination of actions at regional, European and global levels.


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