Levchenko, Alexander
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Born in 1951 in the city of Taganrog, Rostov oblast, Russia, the USSR.
- 1972 – Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of English language and philology, Kirovograd, Ukraine.
- 1992 – The course ”Peace, Defense, and Security Policy”, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the RAND Corporation.
Fluent Russian, Ukrainian, English.
Expert Club “Anaharsis”
Coordinator on contacts with partners
Tel.: (+380-44) - 413-7775
(+38) - 067-233-4984
E-mail: a-lev@ipnet.kiev.ua
Operational experience:
– 1972 – 1973 – service in the Soviet Army, sergeant of artillery.
– 1973 – 1974 – inspector, Regional department of education, Kirovograd.
– 1974 – 1989 – sociologist on a contract, The Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Science of the USSR.
– 1989 – 1991 – Second Secretary, the Middle East Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
– 1991 – 1992 – foreign policy adviser to the Director, Innovative Center for Political Studies ”Innocenter”.
– 1992 – 2000 – co-founder and vice-president, Ukrainian Center for International Security Studies (UCISS).
– 2000 – 2003 – Counsellor for Political Affairs, the Embassy of Ukraine in the State of Israel.
– Since 2004 – political analyst, journalist free lance
– Since 2007 – observer, journal "Consumer + State Power" (periodical of the Union of Consumers' Rights Protection).
– Since April, 2009 – Coordinator of contacts with partners of The Expert Club "Anaharsis".
– Since December, 2010 – Coordinator of projects of The Ukrainian Association of Euro-Atlantic Cooperation.
Public activity:
– 1991 - 1992 – scientific consultant, the Ministry of Defence, national security and emergency situations, Ukraine.
– 1992 – 1994 – scientific consultant, the Defence and National Security Commission of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (the Parliament)
– 1995 – 1998 – member of the Council, Association of the Research Centers and Institutes of the CIS states.
– 1996 – 1998 – vice-president, The Ukrainian Association of the Middle East Studies.
– Since April 2009 – Coordinator on contacts with partners, Expert Club “Anaharsis”.
Participated in multiple conferences, seminars and round table discussions on international foreign and security policy issues, as well as on the Left and Social movements activity. Addressed the conferences in Belarus, Belgium, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Luxemburg, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia and Ukraine.
Main analytical studies and publications:
”Proposals regarding the creation of the National Security Council of Ukraine and the concept of its functioning”, 1991 (for the Minister of defence, national security and emergency situations – Ukr.).
”Project of the Concept of the National Security of Ukraine”, 1991 (for the Minister of defence, national security and emergency situations – Ukr.).
”Notes on the Military-Political Doctrine of Ukraine”, 1992 (for the Minister of defence, national security and emergency situations – Ukr.).
”Perspectives of Ukrainian foreign and security policy”, UCISS, 1992 (Ukr.).
”Nobody Will Thank Us for the Neutrality”, Newspaper ”Molod Ukrainy” (”Youth of Ukraine”), 1992 (Ukr.).
”Ukrainian-Russian Relations: Fields of Conflict and Co-operation in the Sphere of Security and International Relations”, UCISS, 1992 (Rus.).
„The Interests of Ukraine in the Sphere if National Security”, UCISS, 1993 (Rus.).
“Ukrainian Approach to Regional Peacekeeping”, in “Peacekeeping Challengers to Euro-Atlantic Security”, Edit. by E.Gillman, D.E.Herold, NATO Defense College, Monograph Series, No. 2, Rome, 1994 (Eng.).
„Foreign Policy Aspects of the National Security”, UCISS, 1994 (Rus.)
”Perspectives of the Creation of the European Security Architecture”, UCISS, 1994 (Rus.).
„Problems of the Security Policy Co-ordination in Central and Eastern Europe”, UCISS, 1994 (Rus.).
“The Global, Euro-Atlantic and Regional Context of the Future Security Order on the Territory of the Former Soviet States: View from Ukraine”, UCISS, 1995 (Eng.).
”Shaping Civil Societies: Elites, Majorities and Minorities in Central and Eastern Europe”, ”Romanian Journal of International Affairs”, No. 3, Bucharest, 1997.
Y.Zadiraka, Y.Laputina, À.Levchenko. Sociologic research work ”Social Priorities of the Crimean Tatars in the Context of Regional Security”, “Occasional Papers”, No. 7, UCISS, 1997 (Rus., Ukr., Eng.).
Y.Zadiraka, Y.Laputina, À.Levchenko, A.Parfionov. Sociologic research work „Ukrainian-Russian relations and the CIS Perspectives From the State Duma of RF Deputies' Point of View”, “Occasional Papers”, No. 8, UCISS ,1998. (Rus., Eng.).
”Security of Ukraine between NATO and Russia”, IDS, Budapest, 1998 (Eng.).
“Ukraine in the Black Sea and Caspian regions”, UCISS, 1999 (Eng.).
”Security Policy of Ukraine: in Search of Inner Consensus”, UCISS, 1999 (Eng.).
”GUAM, GUUAM… What’s onwards?", UCISS, 1999 (Eng.).
”Notes on the Conflict Management in Kosovo”, 1999 (Ukr). - by request of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine.
”A Decade of Globalization and Fragmentation in Eastern Europe: Implications for Regional Security. Ukraine”, UCISS, 1999.
”The Prospect of Stabilization in the South-Eastern Europe. View from Ukraine”, 2000 (Eng.) - by request of foreign partners.
”Middle East Conflict from the Standpoint of Ukrainian Geo-Political Interests”, 2004 (Rus.) - by request of foreign partners.
”A Praise to Oligarchy”, weekly newspaper ”Zerkalo Nedeli”, ¹ 43 (571), November, 5–1, 2005, Kiev.
”The Ukrainian Left and Ukrainian-Russian Relations. Medium-term prospect”, the journal ”Left Politics”, ¹ 2, 2007, published by The Institute of Globalization and Social Movements, Moscow.
”There is no the third alternative”, Internet-project ”Polité”, 2007, http://www.politics.in.ua/index.php?go=News&in=view&id=8453, (Rus.)
”The Strategic axis Bush-Tymoshenko. It sounds cool though!" Internet-project Forum.msk.ru, 2007, ”http://www.forum.msk.ru/material/fpolitic/325063.html, (Rus.),
"What Do They Divide Ukraine For, And What Shall I get of This?", Internet-project Forum.msk.ru, 2007, http://www.forum.msk.ru/material/lenty/333235.html, (Rus.),
”About How Michael Nostradamus and the Tales of Krylov Assist the BUT" (the BUT – the Block of Julia Tymoshenko), journal "Consumer + State Power”, ¹ 9, 2007, (Rus.).
”Why Do They Disdain Ukrainian Language?", journal "Consumer + State Power", ¹ 9, 2007, (Rus.), http://vlasti.com.ua/arhiv.php?idt=513&langid
”We shall Go Other Road”, journal "Consumer + State Power", ¹ ¹ 10-11, 2007, (Rus.)., http://vlasti.com.ua/arhiv.php?idt=556&langid
”Predictability of Foreign Policy Under Conditions of General Unpredictability”, journal "Consumer + State Power"¹ ¹ 10-11, 2007, (Rus.), http://vlasti.com.ua/arhiv.php?idt=556&langid
Set of articles ”The Notes of the Anti-Semite”, journal "Consumer + State Power", ¹ 10-11,12, 2007; ¹¹ 1-2, 3-4, 6, 7, 2008, (Rus.), http://zapiski-antisemita.narod.ru/
Original texts:
”George Bush will Favour the World with Peace. If he has time”, journal "Consumer + State Power", ¹ ¹ 12, 2007, (Rus.), http://vlasti.com.ua/arhiv.php?idt=602&langid
”Regarding the National Peculiarities of Colour-Sensation”, journal "Consumer + State Power", ¹ 12, 2007, (Rus.), http://vlasti.com.ua/arhiv.php?idt=602&langid
”Running on the spot. Separate Opinion”, journal "Consumer + State Power", ¹ 1, 2008, http://vlasti.com.ua/arhiv.php?idt=644&langid
”Otherwise-minded Dragomanov and a Separatist Grushevsky”, journal "Consumer + State Power", ¹ 1, 2008, (Rus.), http://vlasti.com.ua/arhiv.php?idt=644&langid
”The Kosovo Precedent”, journal "Consumer + State Power", "¹¹ 3-4, 5,6, 2008, (Rus.),
”The Tanker «Russia» with a New Captaine”, journal "Consumer + State Power", "¹ 3-4, 2008, (Rus.), http://vlasti.com.ua/arhiv.php?idt=644&langid
”The Shadow of Dzhugashvili, or 55 years Without Stalin”, journal "Consumer + State Power", "¹ 3-4, 2008, (Rus.), http://vlasti.com.ua/arhiv.php?idt=644&langid
”Julia Tymoshenko Against the Dragon Serpent Gorynych”, journal "Consumer + State Power", "¹ 3-4, 2008, (Rus.), http://vlasti.com.ua/arhiv.php?idt=644&langid
”Hag Sameah, Israel!", journal "Consumer + State Power", "¹ 5, 2008, (Rus.), http://vlasti.com.ua/arhiv.php?idt=741&langid
”Globalization and the Left Movement. The Ukraine Experience Notes”, Internet-project ”The Left Spectrum”, May, 2008, http://left-ua.narod.ru/index.files/partiesmovements.htm, (Rus.).
”The First Epistle of Medvedev for Russians”, journal "Consumer + State Power", ¹ 11-12, 2008, (Rus.), http://vlasti.com.ua/index1.php?langid=1&idt=847
”The Prophecy of Plato”, journal "Consumer + State Power", "¹ 11-12, 2008, (Rus.), http://vlasti.com.ua/index1.php?langid=1&idt=847.
”Narcotic Smell of ”Cheriomuha”, Internet-project ”Polité”, 2009 http://www.politics.in.ua/index.php?go=News&in=view&id=11400, (Rus.).
”The Tomb of the Lord. Is there place for doubts?”, journal ”Manifest”, 2009, (Rus.).
”They Prepare Poland for a War With Germany and Russia”, 2010, (Rus.), http://fondsk.ru/article.php?id=3106
”Roaring From Washington: to Kill Julian Assange”, 2010, (Rus.), http://odnarodyna.com.ua/articles/2/1694.html
”Ukrainian Realities in a Mirrow of WikiLeaks – 1”, 2010, (Rus.), http://odnarodyna.com.ua/articles/2/1707.html
Peacekeeping of Obama and the Valley of Megiddo. (Rus.), http://www.fondsk.ru/news/2011/05/30/mirotvorchestvo-obamy-i-dolina-megiddo.html
Writing team: О.Vostrykh, A.Levchenko, N.Dulneva, S.Marintsova, А.Тikhonov, V.Riabenko. Learn to Gain Victory at Elections: Manual for Young Politician - Nikolayev: Publisher T.Prokopchuk, 2011. - 184 p. ISBN 978-966-2504-33-8 (Rus.)
"Active Sex As "Vengeance Weapon" In the Middle East", 2011, (Rus.)
"Islamists and Army in Tunis and Egypt", 2011, (Rus.)
"Youth In Left Parties", 2011, (Rus.) //http://anaharsis-club.narod.ru/texts/16-text.htm
"Anglo-Saxons Try For Size a Crown of Roman Empire", 2011. (Rus.)// Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
"Black Jubilee of White America on Horizon", 2013//http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2013/03/07/black-jubilee-of-white-america-on-horizon.html