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The Expert Club Anaharsis sees its tasks as follows:


- an assistance in realization of international projects in the spheres of education and scientific exchange, including the conferences, seminars and round tables with participation of Ukrainian and foreign experts;

 - analytical studies in economy, environment protection, social relations, culture and politics which are aimed at elaboration of recommendations relative to an overcoming of hardships and to a transition of Ukraine on the path of stable development in partnership with other states and international organizations;

 - the initialization of a wide dialogue concerning the issues which are connected with a choice of an adequate model of transformation of Ukrainian society and its relations with natural environment in the interests of people of Ukraine and taking into account the interests of other states and the whole of the mankind. 

- informing the international community about a position of the members of the Club as well as of their Ukrainian colleagues regarding the issues related to spheres of their scientific, social, business and political activity.



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