December 4, 2012 In the city of Kolomyia, the round-table "From Interconnections In the Society To People's Power In Ukraine" was held on the initiative of the deputy head of The Institute of the Civil Society Develioment Mykola Solonenko. Among the participants, there was one of the leaders of the Ukrainian Civil Movement "ForPeople's Power!" |Mark Zobov (Kharkiv). Read the report by M.Zobov "People's Power: East and West are Together!" about the meetings with civil activists in Kiev, Lviv, Kolomyia, Chernivtsy and Ivano-Frankivsk (in Russian). See foto - |
October 20, 2012 On the initiative of the Civic-Political Coalition "For People's Power!" (, the conference "About Practical Aspects of the People's Power Becoming" was held in Kharkov with participation of civil-political activists.
Read the Information Report (in Russian) Видео - Фото - |
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August 15, 2012 Members of the Expert Club "Anaharsis" Anakiy Polovinets, Alexander Manachinsky, Oleg Vostrykh, Pavel Nosok, Alexander Tikhonov and Sergey Tolstov took part in the session of the Center of Social-Conservative Policy (Ukraine) on the topic "If There Is a Future for Socialism?". Report of the CSCP about the session - (in Russian) Speech by Anatoliy Polovinets, member of Council of Ukrainian Youth Civic Chamber (in Russian) |
![]() Foto by CSCP |
July 28, 2012 In Kharkov, supporters of the idea of people's power have met to discuss results of the conference "People's Power in Ukraine: What Should It Be?" and ways of their implementation. Doctrine of People's Power (a project adopted by the conference of representatives of social-political activists of Kharkov region, 28.07.2012). Appeal of Kharkov social-political activists to citizens of Ukraine (adopted by the conference of representatives of social-political activists of Kharkov region, 28.07.2012). |
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July 21, 2012 Kharkov organizational committee of the Civil Movement "For People's Power" held a civil-scientific conference "People's Power in Ukraine: What Should It Be?". Информационное сообщение о результатах общественно-научной конференции (укр).
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May 1, 2012 Pictures of the 1st of May demonstration of the antifascist and libertarian movements in Kiev made by the member of the Expert Club "Anaharsis" Sergey Levchenko. |
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March, 21, 2012 The Civil Movement "For People's Power!" plans to hold in April,2012, in Kiev public debates on "People's Power in Ukraine: what should it be". With this regard, the Organizational Commettee of Kharkov branch of the Movement has developed projects of the following texts: "The Doctrine of the People's Power" and "The Appeal to Ukrainian People on Adoption of the Doctrine of People's Power and of the Order No.1 concerning the President of Ukraine and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine".
1. Informational Announcement ( in Ukrainian). 2. "The Doctrine of the People's Power" (in Russian) и (in Ukrainian) 3. "The Appeal to Ukrainian People on Adoption of the Doctrine of People's Power and of the Order No.1 concerning the President of Ukraine and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine" (in Russian) и (in Ukrainian)
Foto: |
December, 28, 2011
The High School of Professional Politics with the maintenance of Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (Germany) and the assistance of the Expert Club "Anaharsis" (Ukraine) organized in Kiev a round table on the topic "New Age, New Possibilities. The Role of Youth In the Party Building And the Formation of Ukrainian Left". The participants were the representatives of youth organizations, independent trade-unions, ecological movements and Ukrainian expert and scientific society. The discussion concluded the long-term project in frames of which a group of experts has prepared the textbook of methodics for young politicians and the sequence of lectures and training courses was held in Kiev, Sevastopol, Kharkov, Zhitomir and Vinnitsa under a comon slogan "Learn to Win Elections". More than 150 young activists of Ukrainian left movement took part in the project. |
Foto by HSPP
December, 21, 2011
Member of the Expert Club “Anaharsis” Sergey Tolstov reported at the session of the Center of Social-Conservative Policy (Ukraine) on the topic"Formation of Political Parties in Ukraine: History, Reality and Perspectives" . Main reporters were also the director of the State Institute of the Family and Youth Andrew Mishin and the director of the CSCP Yuri Lipchevsky. Among the participants there were members of the Expert Club “Anaharsis” Alexander Manachinsky and Alexander Levchenko.
Foto by A.Levchenko
December, 3, 2011 The founding congress of the civil organization "For People Power!" was held in Kiev. The congress adopted the Statute of organization, the Appeal to Ukrainian people and other documents. Victor Bychikhin was elected as a head of the Coordinative Committee. Members of the Discussion Club "Anaharsis" Alexander and Sergey Levchenko took part in the congress as guests.
The APPEAL of the Constituent Congress of the Civic Movement "For People Power!"
by S.Levchenko
Octover, 1, 2011 The round table on “People Power in Ukraine: Ways of Progress” was held in Kiev in the conference-hall of the Association of Ukrainian Banks. Co-organizers of the measure were the Organizational Committee for Creation of the Civil Movement “For People Power!” and the civil organization “Small Circle”. Among participants - representatives of political parties, trade unions and civil organizations there were the Head of political party “Self-Governing Ukrainian State”, a member of Organizational Committee V.Bychikhin, the Chairman of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine N.Vitrenko, the Chairman of the Liberal party of Ukraine P.Tsyganko, the Chairman of political party “Righteousness” V.Yaremenko and others. |
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July, 13, 2011 Members of the Expert Club “Anaharsis” Sergey Tolstov, Alexander Manachinsky, Alexander and Sergey Levchenko took part in a joint session of The Center of Social-Conservative Policy and The Center of East-European Studies which discussed the problem of "Power and Modernization: a Creation of New Social-Political Subjects of Development in Modern Ukraine and Russia" |
![]() Foto by S.Levchenko |
June, 29, 2011 A round table on "Democracy in Ukrainian manner: yesterday, today, tomorrow" was held in Kharkov National University. Initiators of the measure: The Civil Council of Kharkov Region, The Assiciation "Spiritual-Intellectual Choice" The Union of Businessmen of Kharkov Oblast, the regional Kharkov branch of the National Institute of Strategic Studies, The Association of Political Scientists of Slobozhanschina, The Kharkov Association of Political Scientists, The Union of Young Democrates, The Union of Young State Employees of Kharkov Region, The Slobozhanschina Regional Center, Kharkov branch of the trade-union of businessmen, The Fond of Local Democracy, the editorial board of the journal "Social Economy", The Civil Council for Kharkov Region State Administration and the Departmeny of Internal Policy and Public Relations of Kharkov Region State Administration. (in Russian) Foto - |
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June, 08, 2011 Members of the Expert Club “Anaharsis” Oleg Vostrykh, Sergey Tolstov, Pavel Nosok, Alexander Manachinsky, Alexander and Sergey Levchenko took part in the discussion on "Broadening of Local and Regional Powers' Authorities" that was organized by The Center of Social-Conservative Policy. At the beginning of session, Sergey Levchenko received the Certificate of the School of Young Politician which he has been attending during 2010-2011 together with a group of young analysts and social activists. |
Foto by S.Levchenko |
May, 12, 2011 The expert club "Alterra" held a meeting on "Rosa Luxemburg Views in Her Famous Work "Capital Accumulation"". Reporter Alexander Budilo noted, in particular, the differenes in views of Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin. In the course of the following discussion, the opinion was expressed regarding the expediency to discuss this work of Rosa Luxemburg with participation of other groups of Ukrainian left activists. |
Foto by A.Levchenko |
May, 12, 2011 Coordinator of contacts with partners of the Expert Club “Anaharsis” Alexander Levchenko took part in the international conference "New media - New Possibilities" which was organized in Kiev by the Independent Association of TeleRadioBroadcasters and Media Marketing МОМ maintained by Internews Network и USAID. The conference participants discussed changes in structure of the mass-media audience in Ukraine, as well as tendencies in socialization of services of the TV, Radio and Internet. (in Ukrainian) (in Ukrainian) |
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May, 6, 2011 Coordinator of contacts with partners of the Expert Club “Anaharsis” Alexander Levchenko answered the questions of "The Newspaper in Ukrainian" concerning possible consequences of liquidation of the leader of "Al-Kaeda" Osama bin-Laden by American special forces in Pakistan. "The Newspaper in Ukrainian" №1217, 06.05.2011, Comments, "There will be no a terrorist of such a caliber in the nearest future", (in Russian and Ukrainian)
Foto by "The Newspaper in Ukrainian" |
May, 1, 2011 The 1st of May March of Collective Action: The Students' Trade Union "Direct Action", Independent Tade Union "Defence of Labor", Ukrainian Trade Union of Professionals of Informational, Communicative and Business Technologies, The Feminist Ofenziva, The Organisation of Marxists. The march was attacked by unknown persons who threw smoke pots. |
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April, 14, 2011 Coordinator of contacts with partners of the Expert Club “Anaharsis” Alexander Levchenko conducted the seminar on “Informational-Analytical Work of Party’s Staff” for students of The School of Young Politicians at The Center of Social-Conservative Policy. |
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April, 13, 2011 Pavel Nosok, Alexander and Sergey Levchenko, members of the Expert Club "Anaharsis", took part in the discussion on "Modern Religious-Confessional Situation in Ukraine" organized by The Center of Social-Conservative Policy in Kiev. Priest of three Ukrainian Orthodox Churches made reports. |
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April, 09, 2011 Alexander and Sergey Levchenko, members of the Expert Club "Anaharsis", participated in a regular session of political lecturing at the Expert Club "Alterra". The session was devoted to "Social Forecast in Books of Soviet Social Fiction Writers (e.g. A.Tolstoy. A.Bogdanov, I.Yefremov, brothers A.and B.Strugatskiy). Moderators of the session, chief-editor of the "Practical Psychology" journal Alexander Gubenko and the Head of "Alterra" Igor Paniuta, reported on peculiarities of soviet writers' vision of future social-political formation, noted changes which have been in trends of the soviet social fiction alongside with the development and decline of the USSR. A.Gubenko and I.Paniuta grounded the necessity of positive social ideal for a society progressive development. The reports were followed by a discussion. |
Foto by S.Levchenko |
March, 26, 2011 Member of the Expert Club "Anaharsis" A.Levchenko and P.Zhovnirenko took part in the conference of the civil movement "For Direct Democracy" as observers. The Conference created the organizational committee and adopted the Declaration as a basic text for further discussions. См. Declaration of the Social Movement "For Direct Democracy" См. The Ideological-Organizational Grounds of the Social Movement "For Direct Democracy" (in Russian) |
Foto by S.Levchenko |
March, 17, 2011 Member of the Expert Club "Anaharsis" P.Nosok, A.Levchenko, A.Manachinsky and S.Levchenko took part in the discussion on "National Idea. Challenges of the 21st century" at the meeting of The Center of Social-Conservative Policy which guests were deputies of Russian State Dume Sergey Markov and Konstantin Zatulin. See Report: |
Foto by S.Levchenko |
February, 4, 2011
Representatives of the Expert Club "Anaharsis" Leonid Belousov (“Common European Affair»), Oleg Vostrykh (“The High School of Professional Politics”), Alexander Levchenko ("Anaharsis") and Alexander Tikhonov (The Institute of Social Technologies) held a meeting with coordinators of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (Germany) Ivo Georgiev and Tiina Fahrni. They discussed a cooperation of RLF and Ukrainian partners-members of the Club aiming at development of democracy, liberties and organizational strengthening of the left movement in Ukraine. Ivo Georgiev and Tiina Fahrni shared the experience of activity of party schools and a system of political education in Germany.
Foto by O.Vostrykh |
May, 12-13, 2010 The Expert Club "Anaharsis" has assisted the High School of Professional Politics and Rosa Luxemburg Foundation to perform in Kiev the conference ”The Left, Trade Unions and Social Movements in Ukraine: From Common Goals to Joint Actions”. The conference accomplished the cycle of round-tables in regions of Ukraine aimed at creation of the platform for a dialogue of the left parties and organisations, independent trade-unions, social protest movements and the expert society. |
Foto by S.Levchenko |
May, 1, 2010
On May, 1, the members of the Expert Club "Anaharsis" took part in the demonstration of the radical left forces, antifashist and social protest movements.
Foto by S.Levchenko |
September, 23, 2009 The Expert Club "Anaharsis" has assisted the High School of Professional Politics and Rosa Luxemburg Foundation to perform in Kiev the conference ”Left Movement in Ukraine. Prospects of Cooperation and Interaction” in which the representatives of the main Ukrainian left parties and organizations, independent trade unions, social protest movement, academic institutes and NGOs took part. |
Foto by S.Levchenko |
September, 22, 2009 Dr. Lutz Brangsh (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation) has met with Ukrainian young leaders and activists of the left and social movements in the Expert Club "Anaharsis"
July, 10-28, 2009 The Expert Club "Anaharsis" has assisted the High School of Professional Politics and Rosa Luxemburg Foundation to organize in Ukrainian cities Kiev, LvovNikolayev, Simferopol and Mariupol the sequence of round-tables ”Left Movement in Ukraine. Prospects of Cooperation and Interaction” |
June, 01, 2009
The meeting with leaders and activists of the civil movement "Hvylya" ("Wave") to discuss the organizational issues of social movements and forms of cooperation between them and the Left. |
May, 14, 2009
The meeting of the Expert Club "Anaharsis" members with Ivo Georgiev, Regional coordinator of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in Central and Southeast Europe and Former Soviet Union Countries.
Ivo Georgiev has informed the members of the Club about the activity of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, as well as about a state of the left movement in Germany. The participants of the meeting have discussed perspectives and possible directions of cooperation between the Foundation and Ukrainian partners in spheres of common interest.
April,16, 2009
The first meeting of the Expert Club “Anaharsis” co-founders took place in Kiev. The participants agreed to the goals, tasks and principles of the Club activity that had been stated in the proposed draft of the Co-founders’ Memorandum. Igor Gynko has been elected the President of the Club, Sergey Kudzinovsky — the Executive Director. Alexander Levchenko has been entrusted with a coordination of contacts with partners. In the course of the meeting, an exchange of opinions took place in regard to the main directions of the Club activity in 2009 — 2010.